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100% Rye

Copper Pot Distilled

Small Batch

Lot No. 40 is crafted in small batches using 100% rye grain in a single copper pot still. This concentrates the spicy rye notes, while retaining the fruity and floral notes from fermentation. The whisky is then aged in virgin white oak barrels to bring forth notes of vanilla, caramel and toffee, resulting in a complex and bold whisky.

History Reincarnated

When Joshua Booth settled in Canada, one of the parcels of land granted to him was a plot called Lot 40. It is believed this is where he began to ferment and distill, in crude pot stills, Canadian Rye not suited for baking. Fast forward to 1998 and a Master Blender for Hiram Walker resurrected a recipe handed down to him from 7 generations. His name, Michael Booth. The whisky, Lot No. 40, paying homage to his family heritage. Lot No. 40 hit the market 4 years later in 2012 and the rest is history still being written.

The tradition of creating this whisky continues with current Master Blender – Dr. Don Livermore (cdnwhiskydoc), distilling 100% rye grain in a traditional copper pot still, one batch at a time.

The Review

The Sniff

Everything I love about Rye comes through on the nose. Up front is the obvious rye that kicks in. As I dive deeper, I find caramel, cinnamon, fig and closing on squeezed orange rind.

The Sip

A rich mouth feel not found in many lower ABV whiskies. The new oak and rye create an amazing baking spice, vanilla, caramel that fades into a fruity almost floral taste. It warms the mouth ever so gently. I just want to take another sip.

The Finale

The finish is exactly what it should be, rye spiciness with a hint of oak from the new white oak barrels. It sticks around just long enough for you to enjoy before your next sip.

The Wrap-up

This is a bottle that is always on the shelf ready to go. It delivers an experience that is found in much pricier Rye Whiskies. Working well neat, on the rocks, in a cocktail or as a mixer. You won’t be disappointed in this expression. While it is readily available in much of Canada, this will be a harder bottle to find outside of Canada. Hey, what can I say, my fellow Canucks love this stuff and we don’t want to share.